Pathways Guide 2024 - Flipbook - Page 4
Spanish/French* GCSE
What we aim to achieve
Learning a foreign language develops a variety
of skills – communication, presentation, problem
solving, team working, organisation and
independence. It can also improve your use of
English as it heightens your awareness of structure
and grammar. It prepares you for life! As well as
this, learning a foreign language can bring other
benefits, especially in terms of culture and travel.
Course outline
You will be expected to understand and provide
information and opinions about these contexts
relating to your own lifestyles and that of other
people. You will develop your written and spoken
skills as well as developing your ability to translate
texts, including literature, and respond to a range
of written and spoken texts:
• Identity and Culture – my friends and family;
technology in everyday life; free time activities
• Local, National and International Areas of Interest
- where I live; social issues; global issues; travel
and tourism
• Current and Future Study and Employment - my
studies; life at school/college; education post-16;
jobs, career choices and ambitions
How will I be assessed?
All four skills areas (listening, reading, writing
and speaking) will be examined through final
examinations at the end of Year 11. All skill areas
carry equal weighting (25% each). You will be
entered for either Foundation or Higher level Spanish
What skills do I need?
What does it take to succeed? A positive attitude
and self-discipline will go a long way. Learning
a language is ideal for those who like solving
problems, breaking codes and seeing patterns.
You will need to practise regularly and should have
a creative streak so that you can make a little
language go a long way. You will need to be able to
help and support your classmates because you will
need to work together from time to time.
*for sets 1 and 2 only
Ms G Cesarano – Team Leader – Languages