Pathways Guide 2024 - Flipbook - Page 3
Key St age 4 Cu rr i cu l u m
The Key Stage 4 curriculum is made up of two components,
‘Core’ and ‘Choices’. The Core is what all students have to study.
Choices is where students can select which subjects they will
study within their designated Pathway.
The Core consists of English, Maths, Combined Science, Physical Education
and Personal, Social and Health Education.
What is a Pathway and why
has it been assigned to me?
We have placed you onto one of three
Pathways. We have used your primary
school and Key Stage 3 performance
data to work out which Pathway is best
for you. You must select your subjects
from within this Pathway, based on your strengths and
interests. We do our very best to assign students with
their preferred subject choices. Unfortunately, due to the
popularity of some subjects, it is sometimes necessary
to assign a reserve choice. It is therefore very important
that you consider this when making your decisions, and
only choose courses as a reserve that you would be
happy to study were they to be allocated to you.
Instructions on how to use this booklet
On the following pages you will find details about each subject area. You will be able to see an outline of each
course of study, how you will be assessed and the kind of skills you need to succeed in each subject. You will
also find out about the skills and knowledge you will achieve that will help you with your post-16 studies.
It is important that you take time to read through those that are of interest to you and also speak to subject
staff about the courses available.
At the end of this booklet, you will find a form on which you can select your draft subject choices, however, you
will formally in school, during a PSHE lesson. You must ensure that you select your subject choices from the
correct Pathway.
Whilst some of you may have clear ideas of what career you want to follow in life, many of you will have no
idea and that is fine and quite typical for your age. Throughout this document you will find some useful careers
information, which explains the range of jobs that your pathway choices may lead to. It is a good idea to have a
discussion with your parents/carers before coming to your final decision.
Your life is not mapped out for you. There will be some easy rides, a few twists and turns
and some dead ends. In the end you make your own pathway through life and it is for
you to decide how far you go.