Pathways Guide 2024 - Flipbook - Page 26
Combined Science GCSE
What we aim to
Science is a core subject
and in this course you will
study aspects of Biology,
Chemistry and Physics. This
course will also develop
your investigative and
problem solving skills as
well as enhancing critical
thinking skills.
The course will also
develop your data analysis
skills that cross over with
mathematics. The course
also strives to ensure that
the science is explored in
real world contexts rather
than just abstract concepts
in isolation.
Course outline
You will study all three sciences over the duration of the course.
Topics studied include:
• Atomic structure and the
periodic table
• Bonding, structure and the
properties of matter
• Quantitative chemistry
• Chemical changes
• Energy changes
• The rate and extent of
chemical change
• Organic chemistry
• Chemical analysis
• Chemistry of the atmosphere
• Using resources
Cell biology
Infection and response
Homeostasis and response
Inheritance, variation and evolution
Particle model of matter
Atomic structure
Magnetism and electromagnetism
How will I be assessed?
What skills do I need?
Combined Science is assessed at the end of Year
11. There are six examinations in total, with two in
Biology, two in Chemistry and two in Physics. Each
exam is 1 hour and 15 minutes in total and is worth
16.7% of the final grade.
Combined Science is a challenging subject at GCSE.
You will further promote many of the scientific skills
you have developed throughout Key Stage 3.
Students would benefit from having strong
mathematical skills, be good communicators, have
good investigative skills and the ability to work
effectively as part of a team during practical work.
Students will be awarded two GCSE grades ranging
from 9-9 to 1-1 (this can include split grades e.g. 7-6).
There will be a Higher and Foundation tier for each
examination. Throughout the course students will
complete 21 required practical tasks and they will
be assessed on their understanding of these in all of
their examinations.
Mr G Russell - Team Leader - Science