Stowmarket High School Information - Flipbook - Page 2
A note from
the Head
The Future. Our Business – Most schools will have
a strap line and we are no different, however
ours reflects our fundamental belief and that is
reflected in the work we do day in, day out. We
really appreciate you showing interest in the work
we are doing to ensure the young people of
Stowmarket are fully prepared for the next stage in
their lives. These are exciting times for one of Suffolk’s
fastest improving and growing schools and for the
community we serve.
I am very proud of this school, of our
achievements and excited with our
potential. Our new building is lovely to
work in, but the strength of this school
is in the people – staff, students and
families working together to build
success. This is a genuinely happy
school. The staff work collaboratively
and with energy and passion because
we try to take away barriers that
hamper them achieving success. The
focus of our work is all about what
happens in the classroom. It is about
ensuring that school is a friendly,
safe place to learn, a place to make
mistakes, a place to celebrate progress.
The future looks very bright for our
school, but we are not complacent,
and we will continue to push at
boundaries to give our students access
to the highest quality education we
can. I wish I could run the tours and
the events that we have done in the
past because I am confident that you
would be impressed, unfortunately
Covid19 has stopped that. What it
cannot stop is the buzz around the
town about our school, and the belief
from those that already attend that we
will get stronger and stronger.
Mr Lee-Allan