Stowmarket High School Information - Flipbook - Page 19
A variety of school trips
are o昀昀ered at the including
Skiing, theatre trips and a
wide range of PE trips, recent
examples include a sports
tour to Spain, Wimbledon,
the Womens’ Euro 2022 昀椀nal
and Soccer Aid.
Pictured right is the Sports
Tour Malaga trip in 2023
Exam Success
At Stowmarket High school, we work tirelessly to ensure that our
students leave us as well-rounded individuals who are ready to
contribute positively to their communities and the world around
them. We know that education is about much more than GCSEs
and BTECS which is why we aim to prepare our students for the
future through our Inspirational Futures programme, which will give
Stowmarket High School students the edge when they leave us.
Of course, exam results are important, and we do everything that
we can to support our students to get the very best results. We are
very proud to be able to say that over the past 3 years our GCSE have
improved signi昀椀cantly. We support all of our learners, from high
quality experiences in the classroom to tailored intervention and
support sessions focused to individual students’ needs. We also support learning through partnerships within our local
community such as The Mix and The Community School.
We are in a strong position, and you can be sure that we will support all of our students to be the very best that they
can be.
There is nothing more important in school that ensuring the safety of our students. We have designated Safeguarding
o昀케cers, and strong, robust policies and practice which have been repeatedly praised by Ofsted and other outside
agencies. Within local networks we enjoy a strong reputation for how we operate and communicate, and with the
support of the Trust and our School Committee (formerly Governing Body) we continually monitor and look to sharpen
our knowledge and training. The line that underpins our practice is ‘it could happen here.’ We use this to remind us to
remain sharp and vigilant.