Stowmarket High School Information - Flipbook - Page 18
We have a highly quali昀椀ed SENDCo and a team of dedicated specialists who support students with increased
educational needs. We are working with a number of universities to increase the e昀昀ective impact of IT on student
learning and in support of this there is a whole school culture of focused support for every student.
As we have moved into the new build we have adopted a new, smarter and
cost e昀昀ective uniform, after a full consultative process. Blazers and ties,
no skirts, optional jumpers and smart PE kit make a statement about our
expectations and standards. Smart and functional, our uniform looks great,
and is comfortable too.
Co-Curricular Activities
Co-curricular activities are an essential component of the curriculum at Stowmarket High School. PE o昀昀er a wide
range of competitive team sports, such as football (both boys and girls), netball, cricket, rugby, and basketball,
complimented with a host of individual opportunities through athletics, trampoline, badminton and tennis. During
the week they will o昀昀er a range of less formal fun clubs, such as 昀椀ve-a side. The arts o昀昀er subsidised private music
tuition, music concerts and talent shows, the annual school production, theatre trips, drama clubs, whilst other
subjects o昀昀er everything from reading groups, STEAM club, young designer and entrepreneur groups, cookery clubs
and homework support opportunities.
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
We currently run the Bronze award for year 10 students and the Silver award for Year 11 students.
The Bronze award consist of 4 sections, Volunteering, Physical, Skill and two-day expedition with an overnight camp.
The D of E is not only enjoyable to do but achieving an Award will develop skills and con昀椀dence that all employers,
colleges and universities are looking for.
The volunteering section is a fantastic opportunity to give something back to our local community. I was blown
away earlier last year when I walked into Stowmarket library to 昀椀nd one of our students surrounded by engrossed
toddlers and mums, whilst she read them all a story, as part of her volunteering section. Participants will be getting
recognised for doing things they want to do (and may even be doing already). They will make a di昀昀erence to other
people’s lives and their community, be 昀椀tter and healthier, make new friends and gain memories to last a lifetime.