Stowmarket High School Information - Flipbook - Page 15
Ski Trip to Ehrwald in Austria
Each year we run a Ski Trip, taking some 40 staff and students to Austria
and it has always proved extremely popular and an awful lot of fun for
both the staff and the students who take part.
The trip runs over the February half term, which is probably the best time
to ski in Europe. I know that a trip like this is expensive and so we spread
the cost over 9 months, but as a parent myself I have had the opportunity
to see first-hand how this benefits the students in a variety of different
ways. Obviously they learn to ski or snowboard and have endless fun with
their friends on the slopes. However, their enjoyment doesn’t end there, as
we take them bowling, ice skating, night tobogganing and round this all off
with a presentation evening with group karaoke.
It is a fantastic experience and something that will stay with the students
for a very long time.
Exam Success
Over the past five years results at Stowmarket have fluctuated
as the changing nature of theschool has gone through the
system. Throughout the time, whether we have recorded
results that have shown us to be the most improved school
in Suffolk(2018) with stunning results at the top end of
mathematics and at A level, through to challenging results for
cohorts with a very low starting point at Key Stage 2, we have
worked tirelessly, offering enormous amounts of support,
challenge and guidance. Exam results matter, and we invest
significant resources, particularly for disadvantaged students
so that they get the benefits of things like private tuition that
more well off students in the country might take for granted.
There is nothing more important in school that ensuring the safety of our students. We have designated
Safeguarding officers, and strong, robust policies and practice that have been repeatedly praised by Ofsted and other
outside agencies. Within local networks we enjoy a strong reputation for how we operate and communicate, and
with the support of the Trust and our School Committee (formerly Governing Body) we continually monitor and look
to sharpen our knowledge and training. The line that underpins our practice is ‘it could happen here.’ We use this to
remind us to remain sharp and vigilant.