Stowmarket High School Information - Flipbook - Page 10
ICT and Computer Science
Years 7 and 8 have a one-hour lesson of Computer science and ICT per week.
In Year7 you will learn coding, design leaflets, create a theatre booking system, design, create both a computer game
and a virtual pet, all whilst having fun and staying safe on the internet.
In Year 8 you will design and create an interactive quiz, learn how to program and control a Micro Bit, create a virtual
till to be used in a fast food restaurant, learn to code using Python and you may even get to make a rocket take off.
When you get to year 9 you will be able to choose to continue your learning with computers in one of two different
directions; Computer science or Imedia.
A GCSE in computer science
is a very practical subject –you will be able to use
the knowledge and skills you learn in the classroom on real-world problems. You will learn about the inner working
of a computer; memory, storage and network security, whilst also learning to program computers using; algorithms,
Boolean logic and the fundamentals of programming.
, which is 25% exam and 75% portfolio work, offers a very different experience with students
learning to produce media products such as digital graphics, multipage websites and digital games.
Modern Foreign Languages
All students in KS3 study French, and those in the higher sets also have lesson in German. The KS3 curriculum is
skills-based. Typically, students come into Year 7 with varying degrees of exposure to language learning in primary
school so the first term is spent surrounding students with the sounds, the rhythm and the intonation of the
language, using gestures and visual aids, in order to boost student confidence in their own communication skills and
speaking out in class.
Those students that continue with a language into KS4 will develop their skills in Listening, Speaking, Reading and
Writing. A wide variety of topics are covered across these four areas to grab the interest or students, these include
Family and Friends, Social Media and Hobbies, and Customs in French speaking countries. Outside of the classroom
we also celebrate modern languages week with a series of activities and challenges for you to get involved in!